First Glance at Embroidery Thread 02 Jun, 2008 Origin: Encyclopedia of China

Embroidery thread is made of high class natural fibre or chemical fibre. There are many kinds of embroidery thread. 绣花线It can be classified as silk, wool, cotton etc according to material. Silk embroidery thread is made from pure silk or viscose. It is mainly used to make pattern on satin fabric. The color of pattern made from silk thread is bright and beautiful and brilliant. But its strength is low, not capable to resist wash and sunshine.
Wool embroidery thread is made from wool or wool blend fibre. It is mainly used to make pattern on woolen cloth, hemp fabric and wool sweater. The color of pattern made from wool is subdued. The texture of pattern is soft and solid. It is normally called as FUZZ Embroidery. But its color is dark, color fastness is not good. Not resist wash.
Cotton embroidery thread is made from combed cotton. Its strength is good, line is smooth, color is lustrous. Resist wash and sunshine. It is widely used to stitchied on cotton, hemp, synthetic fabric. Cotton embroidery thread can be classified as fine counts and heavy counts. Fine counts is suitable for both machine embroidery and hand-made embroidery and pattern is fine and attactive. But fine counts is only suitable for hand-made embroidery. It is efficient and save man-hour, but pattern is rough.
